Category: Internal

Determinants of Data Disclosure in Digital Workplaces

This research project investigates the determinants of data disclosure in the digital workplace. The goal is to develop a deep understanding of how various factors of digital work influence the willingness to disclose data.

bidt-Forschungsprojekt Digitaler Humanismus

Digital humanism

The project aims to contribute to ensuring that the process of digital transformation in Bavaria and Europe is aligned with human needs and ethical values in the spirit of the core ideas of humanist philosophy and practice.

Prevalence and acceptance of artificial intelligence

Project description The rapid development and spread of artificial intelligence (AI) has a profound impact on society. New generative AI models can already create text, images, and videos that are indistinguishable from human-generated…

Header Digitalisierung Hochschullehre

Digitisation in university teaching

To what extent is digital learning content taught in higher education? The project team is analysing course descriptions from various universities in order to gain insights into their degree of digitalisation and make them…

Prevalence and acceptance of home office in Germany

The bidt conducted several short surveys providing insights into the prevalence and practice of home office in Germany (in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic).

The bidt-Digitalbarometer

As a representative population survey, the bidt-SZ-Digitalbarometer provides data on digital transformation in Germany.

Digitalisation at universities due to the coronavirus (DiHS.c)

The collaborative project being undertaken by the IHF and the bidt examines the impact of the corona pandemic on the digitalisation of universities.

Digital transformation strategies of German federal states

The project provides a systematic comparison of different approaches to digital policy.

Challenges of regulating digital communication platforms

What are society’s requirements for regulating video platforms? To answer this question, the project is aiming to develop evidence-based regulatory policy options.

Digital Transformation of engineering companies – a question of identity

This research project investigates the interplay between digital transformation and organisational identity.