Topic: Digital work environment

Digitalised processes facilitate workflows, while technology enables new forms of communication and collaboration: insights into the opportunities and possible conflicts arising from the partnership between humans and machines.

For the Greater Good? Deepfakes in Criminal Prosecution

The project brings together expertise from criminal law, law enforcement, business informatics and philosophy to examine the question of under what circumstances and to what extent the use of AI and deepfakes in law enforcement…

Trustworthy Generative AI Copilots for Data Analytics in Business Decision-Making

The project investigates the design of trustworthy generative AI copilots and their influence on the business decisions of users without a technical background.

Spread of working from home and organisation of everyday working life at the end of 2024

The tenth survey wave on the prevalence and acceptance of working from home (7–10 October 2024) examines, among other aspects, self-perceived work productivity while working from home as well as opportunities for more flexible…

bidt Studie Generative KI im Alltag Teaser

The hype surrounding generative AI is levelling off – new insights into use, fears and regulation

Two years have passed since the release of ChatGPT, how has the use of generative AI developed in Germany since then? And what are the current fears? New findings from the bidt study.

bidt Studie Generative KI im Alltag Teaser

Prevalence of generative AI in private and professional life 2024

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is used by the population in both private and professional contexts. Compared to last year, usage has remained more or less constant. Only a minority are aware of existing regulatory…

AI: Key Technology for the German Economy

AI knowledge is particularly in demand in the German economy. Different knowledge is prioritized depending on the region.

Softwareentwickler werden nicht durch KI ersetzt

FAZ guest article on the role of AI in software development

In an FAZ guest article, Alexander Pretschner explains why AI will not replace software engineers.

AI improves colorectal cancer screening

The GI-Vision project uses artificial intelligence to improve the early detection of colorectal cancer. By enabling more precise polyp detection and classification, it enhances and optimizes diagnostic accuracy.

Changes Due to Generative AI: Industrialised Nations More Affected

The impact of generative AI on the labor market is likely to be less destructive than the public perceives. AI will complement work, changing the quantity and quality of tasks.

Computer Science Lessons Advocated as a Compulsory Subject

A majority of parents see mandatory computer science classes as good preparation for their children’s working life.