Topic: Digital responsibility

The digital transformation in all areas of life leads to ethical and legal issues when digital technologies are used for the common good, ranging from ensuring digital participation to data security.

Legal uncertainty through generative AI? Reform considerations for the promotion of system trust at universities. Academic framework for fair AI regulation in exams

This research project examines the possibilities for universities to use AI in exams and to prepare students for a digital working world.

Human-Centered Specification-Driven Software Engineering with Generative AI

The project explores a specification-driven approach to software development that eliminates the need for programming skills, aiming to empower individuals to design digital technologies and thereby enhance the digital sovereignty…

Algorithmic Bias From a User Perspective: Assessment, Impact, Interventions

Texts and pictures created with generative AI can be heavily biased against women and minorities. The aim of this project is to gain insight into the phenomenon, its effects, and potential countermeasures.

How “human” should justice be? Psychological determinants of trust in co-creation with generative AI in the context of the legal system

The project analyses psychological processes that foster or hinder trust in generative AI in legal contexts and examines the acceptance and perspectives of various actors.

For the Greater Good? Deepfakes in Criminal Prosecution

The project brings together expertise from criminal law, law enforcement, business informatics and philosophy to examine the question of under what circumstances and to what extent the use of AI and deepfakes in law enforcement…

Grafik AI Wahlkampf Projekt

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Elections: Uses, Preferences, and Trust

The project analyses how German political parties use generative AI, its influence on election campaigns and on public trust.

Philosopher, thought leader, former Minister of State – Julian Nida-Rümelin honoured on his 70th birthday

The bidt director Julian Nida-Rümelin celebrated his 70th birthday. Minister of State Markus Blume and guests from academia and politics paid tribute to his work at a symposium at LMU Munich. Impressions and pictures.

What is digital humanism — and what does it mean in times of generative AI?

Julian Nida-Rümelin examines digital humanism in the age of AI, emphasising human reason and self-determination. Digital humanism promotes ethical software development and reflected technology consumption.

bidt Studie Generative KI im Alltag Teaser

The hype surrounding generative AI is levelling off – new insights into use, fears and regulation

Two years have passed since the release of ChatGPT, how has the use of generative AI developed in Germany since then? And what are the current fears? New findings from the bidt study.

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Using brains, tools and AI expertise to combat disinformation: how we are strengthening trust in democracy

Which measures can help against disinformation and how can trust in democracy be strengthened? This was the topic of the event “Democracy under pressure? How AI and disinformation influence social trust”.