Topic: Digital politics

Digitalisation as a cross-sectional issue presents particular challenges for policymakers. Digital policy unites the social and political questions and responsibilities arising from digital transformation.

Grafik AI Wahlkampf Projekt

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Elections: Uses, Preferences, and Trust

The project analyses how German political parties use generative AI, its influence on election campaigns and on public trust.

bidt Perspektiven 2024 Header

Using brains, tools and AI expertise to combat disinformation: how we are strengthening trust in democracy

Which measures can help against disinformation and how can trust in democracy be strengthened? This was the topic of the event “Democracy under pressure? How AI and disinformation influence social trust”.

“bidt Perspektiven” on the topic of disinformation at Bayerischer Rundfunk

Prof Dr Frischlich and Prof Dr Pretschner spoke to BR about disinformation and how to deal with it.

Lena Frischlich

“Regulation of disinformation is tricky”

In this interview, Professor Lena Frischlich talks about dealing with disinformation and explains how to promote democratic resilience.

Desinformation erkennen

What disinformation is and how to recognise it

Disinformation threatens our democracy. But what is disinformation and how can you recognise it? A guide plus a comprehensive overview with links to fact checks, further information and materials for various target groups.

bidt Studie Beleidigungen auf Social Media

Insults on social media: How affected are users on social media and how do they defend themselves?

Insults on social media are not a new phenomenon. According to a recent bidt study, users experience insults more frequently offline than online. Almost half never report online attacks. These are the reasons.

Democracy under pressure? How AI and disinformation influence social trust

The cooperative event with the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs sheds light on the issue of disinformation from interdisciplinary perspectives and highlights concrete measures in the fight against misinformation…

From responsible medical decisions to online youth protection in the age of AI: around five million Euro for young researchers on artificial intelligence

“The AI talents of today will shape our society of tomorrow,” says the Minister of State for Science, Markus Blume. Ten new postdocs have been selected for the bidt Graduate Center’s funding program.

The bidt is a member of AI4Democracy

The mission of the AI4Democracy Impact Alliance is to unite different perspectives to harness AI for the benefit of society. Many organisations are involved in this initiative, including the bidt.

Why do we need a law against digital violence?

Why do we need a law against digital violence?

Almost every other person has experienced online insults. A law against digital violence is intended to provide a remedy. What hurdles are to be overcome in the fight against digital violence?