| News | General | State Minister of Digital Affairs Dr Fabian Mehring as a guest at bidt

State Minister of Digital Affairs Dr Fabian Mehring as a guest at bidt

During his visit to the bidt, we spoke with State Minister of Digital Affairs Dr. Fabian Mehring about important topics of digital transformation, including generative artificial intelligence and the fight against disinformation and hate speech.

Dr Fabian Mehring, State Minister of Digital Affairsas a guest at bidt
From left to right: Nicole Wloka, Policy Advisor & Cooperation Manager, bidt; Dr Fabian Mehring, State Minister of Digital Affairs; Prof. Dr. Alexander Pretschner, Chairman of bidt's Board of Directors and Chair of Software & Systems Engineering, Technical University of Munich; Dr. Christoph Egle, Managing Director, bidt; Dr. Margret Hornsteiner, Head of Communications and Dialogue, bidt.

On 29 April 2024, State Minister of Digital Affairs Dr Fabian Mehring of the Bavarian State Ministry of Digital Affairs was a guest at bidt. As part of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts, we are committed to engaging in regular political dialogue.

Our discussion centred on important topics of digital transformation that are becoming increasingly relevant in our society: combating disinformation and fake news, dealing with hate speech and the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence, especially with regard to generative AI. Another key point was strengthening digital skills in the workplace and promoting digital participation.

Many thanks to State Minister of Digital Affairs Dr Mehring for the inspiring exchange and valuable input.