Understanding Digital Transformation –
Shaping the Future Together

Public Attitudes on Content Moderation and Freedom of Expression

New study: majority in favour of content moderation on social media platforms

What does the public think about content moderation on social media platforms versus freedom of speech? A new study reveals people’s attitudes towards freedom of expression, protection from digital violence, and disinformation in ten countries.

In Focus


The third issue of our  “bidt Magazine” also deals with current issues and challenges of digital transformation and introduces you to the research and people at the institute.

Find out in an interview with Professor Ute Schmid and Professor Dirk Heckmann whether ChatGPT is a turning point for learning and teaching and what the future of education looks like. Also read: Why do we need the law against digital violence? Will people trust AI journalism? How can politics shape generative AI and can science and business help?


Digital Work Environment

Digitalised processes facilitate workflows, while technology enables new forms of communication and collaboration: insights into the opportunities – and possible conflicts – arising from the partnership between humans and machines.


The digital transformation can be seen in all areas of life. Time to take stock and compare Germany, Austria, Finland, France, Italy, Spain and the UK.

Digital Society

How do we succeed in the digital transformation of society? From the state of digitalisation in Germany to questions regarding its benefits for the common good, social change requires a dialogue prioritising knowledge transfer.

Digital participation

Our glossary article highlights the most important facts about digital participation including examples, applications, criticism and problems.

Digital Public Sphere

Digital media, fake news, and the power of opinions – our access to information these days is unparalleled. So how can we shape public discourse, political coordination, and participation? What set of rules is necessary for a digital public sphere?

Controlling opinion power and monitoring diversity in the digital age

What challenges arise from players like Facebook, Google or YouTube?

Digital Politics

As a cross-sectional issue, digitalisation presents particular challenges for policymakers. Digital politics unites the social and political questions and responsibilities arising from digital transformation.

Prospects for digital policy

A discussion on the future of digital policy, in cooperation with the National Academy of Science and Engineering.

Digital Responsibility

Digital transformation leads to ethical and legal issues when digital technologies are used for the common good, ranging from digital participation to data security.

When will machines decide for us?

Julian Nida-Rümelin explains why machines and algorithms can support decision-making with automated processes, but cannot make independent decisions.

Digital Competition

Digitalisation is reshaping the global economic order. As companies digitalise products and services, their market positions are shifting. How can we carve out a European approach to the international digital competition?

Germany in the World Digital Competitiveness Ranking

An overview of important digitalisation figures.

Fresh insights: Our blog features internal and external expert voices.

More than a job

At bidt, we nurture professional curiosity. Since digitalisation permeates all areas of our lives, as a team we want to actively contribute to a better understanding of digital transformation and its developments – and how to shape them.

Dr. Christoph Egle, Managing Director bidt