We publish our research in digital and analogue formats

The bidt has three publication series to inform about its research results.

Working papers are intended for a specialist scientific audience. Subject-specific research articles from bidt projects are published – as preprints or post-prints, depending on the requirements of the respective discipline.

In Analyses and Studies, bidt presents the results of surveys and studies. This series caters to scientifically interested individuals in politics and business, as well as an audience with specialised scientific knowledge. The publications are available online, along with the raw data on which they are based.

The Policy Brief series is aimed at a broad audience, especially those in politics and society, and provides positions or recommendations for action on specific topics.

All publications are freely accessible here.

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Spread of working from home and organisation of everyday working life at the end of 2024

The tenth survey wave on the prevalence and acceptance of working from home (7–10 October 2024) examines, among other aspects, self-perceived work productivity while working from home as well as opportunities for more flexible…

bidt Studie Generative KI im Alltag Teaser

Prevalence of generative AI in private and professional life 2024

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is used by the population in both private and professional contexts. Compared to last year, usage has remained more or less constant. Only a minority are aware of existing regulatory…

bidt Studie Beleidigungen auf Social Media

Insults on social media: How affected are users on social media and how do they defend themselves?

Insults on social media are not a new phenomenon. According to a recent bidt study, users experience insults more frequently offline than online. Almost half never report online attacks. These are the reasons.

A Regulatory Clustering of Privacy Laws

The working paper constitutes a central component of the underlying project’s approach of allowing interdisciplinary comparison of the impact of different regulatory systems on individual behavior.

Cover „bidt Impuls“ Monitoring von Meinungsmacht

Monitoring opinion power: A new approach to ensure diverse opinion formation in the platform age

This policy brief shows how contemporary opinion power monitoring could look like and outlines the need for action.

Cover bidt study

Prevalence and acceptance of generative AI at schools and universities

The study examines the use, perception, and concerns regarding generative artificial intelligence among pupils at school and university students.

Impuls Beschäftigtendatenschutz Druckversion

More is more: Better employee data protection for comprehensive use of workplace data

Dr Mena Teebken and Prof Thomas Hess identify the key challenges of data protection in the workplace. Five recommendations are intended to strengthen employees’ trust in data protection and address the needs of companies.

Prevalence and acceptance of working from home at the end of 2023

The ninth survey on the topic of home office (September 12–22, 2023) examines, among other things, corporate identification and the significance of working from home for employee recruitment.

bidt-Studie Generative KI in DE Titel

Prevalence and acceptance of generative AI in Germany and in German workplaces

Generative artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the working environment. The study examines the use, perception and concerns about generative artificial intelligence.


The German population lags behind in digital skills compared to other European countries, according to the new “bidt-Digitalbarometer.international”.

Closing gaps: Dealing responsibly with IT security gaps

Practically exploitable vulnerabilities threaten the IT security of private and state infrastructures. Nevertheless, appropriate vulnerability management is often lacking. The policy brief outlines the status quo and shows…

Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in October 2022

The eighth home office survey (14-28 October 2022) examines the prevalence and acceptance of home office in Germany against the backdrop of the current energy crisis.

Effects of data portability on the willingness to use and pay for online services

Based on a conjoint analysis, the working paper examines the influence of actively communicating data portability on the willingness to use e-mail services.

Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in March & June 2022

The sixth (03.-20.03.2022) and seventh (22.-29.06.2022) surveys examine the practice and acceptance of home office in Germany against the background of the expired home office obligation in March 2022.

Data Portability between Online Services

The working paper looks at users’ requirements for the right to data portability and shows how switching between online services could be facilitated.

Technoregulation in China: Bavarian Companies in the Social Credit System

The study is part of the bidt-funded consortium project “Learning from the ‘pioneer’? A multidisciplinary analysis of the Chinese social credit system and its impact on Germany”. The findings and recommendations…


The digital transformation is rapidly changing all areas of our lives. Time to take stock: In a joint study, bidt and the SZ Institute of the Süddeutsche Zeitung surveyed more than 9,000 people in Germany on digital skills,…

Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in September/October 2021

The fifth survey (20.09.-10.10.2021) examines the use and acceptance of home office in Germany against the background of the political upheaval and the coalition negotiations between the SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and FDP.

Facial recognition – A contribution to the discussion on the regulation of technology

In passport control, to unlock mobile phones or to detect diseases – facial recognition has long been used successfully, but remains a controversial topic. What risks are named and does a technology have to be used just…

The pandemic as a driver of the digital transformation of universities?

The outbreak of the corona pandemic also upended the organisation of research and teaching at German universities: Academic life was almost completely shifted into the digital space. The study explores the question of whether…

Digital Ministry: What mistakes are made and how they could be avoided

The publication discusses the pros and cons of a digital ministry at federal level. A new ministry brings advantages as a “big solution”, but also a number of problems. A “small solution” – strengthening…

Controlling opinion power and monitoring diversity in the digital age

Media diversity control, concentration control, media state treaty – political publicity in democracies needs a distribution of media opinion power. With digitalisation, there is a new discussion about the regulation…

Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in May 2021

The fourth survey (06-28 May 2021) examines the impact of the revision of the Infection Protection Act, which came into force on 23 April 2021.

Ensuring Diversity in the Age of Media Intermediaries: Models of measurement and normative standards

The working paper examines the influence of media intermediaries on opinion formation and discusses models of how diversity in public discourse can be ensured.

Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in Bavaria in February 2021

For the first time, bidt is separately investigating the use of home office in Bavaria. The survey was conducted in addition to the Germany-wide survey with the same content and at the same time (05.-07.02.2021).

Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in February 2021

The third survey (04-08 February 2021) examines the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, which came into force on 27 January 2021.

Philosophical Reflections on AI Responsibility: A Rejection of the Concept of the E-Person

Who is responsible if damage occurs through the use of artificial intelligence? Can machines take responsibility at all? This working paper aims to show that responsibility requires a degree of reason, freedom and autonomy…

Digital transformation strategies of German federal states

How can politics shape digital transformation? The bidt study traces the strategy development at the federal state level and examines how defined measures can be steered and implemented.

Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus?

Bidt took the first lockdown as an opportunity to investigate the effects on the use and acceptance of home office in Germany with representative short surveys (27-29 March 2020 and 12-15 June 2020).

Understanding and shaping artificial intelligence

The study provides insights into the moods and opinions of adult internet users in Germany on artificial intelligence (AI). The representative results show, among other things, how widespread knowledge about AI is, whether…

Experiencing change

Digitalisation is intrinsically linked to significant changes in the private and work environment. This results from a socio-scientific study conducted by bidt among people of varying ages and backgrounds.

Ethical deliberation for agile software processes: EDAP scheme

The increasing use of software in more and more areas of society makes it inevitable to talk about ethics in software development. This paper presents the EDAP (Ethical Deliberation for Agile Processes) scheme, a tool that…