Project description
So far, the bidt conducted ten representative online surveys among adult Internet users in Germany at the end of March 2020, mid-June 2020, early February 2021, May 2021, September/October 2021, March, June, and October 2022, as well as in September 2023 and October 2024.
In October 2024, the use of home office among employed Internet users significantly decreased compared to October 2023. With a total of 39% of home office users, there was a decline of nine percentage points in usage. The current survey indicates that, with the end of pandemic-related measures, a large number of surveyed employees are returning to their workplace in the company more frequently.
Satisfaction with the home office situation was consistently high at all times. In October 2024, satisfaction levels reached their highest point. Thus, 95% of surveyed home office users are rather or very satisfied with their own situation in the home office. The lowest satisfaction was observed after the introduction of the home office mandate in February 2021.
Project team