Archive: Research Projects
Artificial intelligence as a trustworthy journalist? Effects of AI-generated messages on (skeptical) citizens
The project is investigating how AI in climate protection can help to increase the willingness to accept messages and promote an objective debate with counter-arguments.
Intrusion into personal devices by law enforcement authorities (SEpES)
The interdisciplinary research project examines aspects of societal acceptance and the legal framework of intrusion into private devices by law enforcement authorities from the perspective of law, computer science and social…
Human-AI co-creation of code with different prior knowledge: Effects on performance and trust (pAIrProg)
The project explores the co-creation process of humans and AI in the context of creating program code by combining AI methods and approaches from experimental cognition research.
Resilience by orchestrating citizen-driven innovation through digital platforms in urban-rural constellations (ROBIN)
We are investigating how the resilience of municipalities in their respective regional interdependencies can be improved by orchestrating citizen-driven innovation. The focus is on exploring design knowledge.
Resilient Regulation for Digital Markets (RESREG)
The project aims to navigate the trade-off between specificity and generality in regulation, particularly in dynamic digital markets, by developing resilient principles for interoperability regulation.
Determinants of Data Disclosure in Digital Workplaces (DetDat)
This research project investigates the determinants of data disclosure in the digital workplace. The goal is to develop a deep understanding of how various factors of digital work influence the willingness to disclose data.
Exploitative leadership in digital collaboration – resilience for employees, leaders and digital communication tools (ELDiCO)
The project analyzes the use of digital communication tools in leadership practice and investigates their potentially destructive effects. The aim is to identify key mechanisms and, building on this.
Using AI to Increase Resilience against Toxicity in Online Entertainment (ToxicAInment)
This project brings together theories of entertainment, visual communication and toxic speech to understand how and why toxicity becomes more permissible when it is masked as entertainment.
Digital humanism
The project aims to contribute to ensuring that the process of digital transformation in Bavaria and Europe is aligned with human needs and ethical values in the spirit of the core ideas of humanist philosophy and practice.
Prevalence and acceptance of artificial intelligence
The rapid development and spread of artificial intelligence (AI) has a profound impact on society. New generative AI models can already create text, images, and videos that are indistinguishable from human-generated content.