research focus Humans and Generative Artificial Intelligence: Trust in Co-Creation
The research focus “Humans and Generative Artificial Intelligence: Trust in Co-Creation” is dedicated to the question of the conditions under which people trust or could trust in the interaction with generative AI and the resulting products – and when not.
Research focus: Generative AI
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) refers to technical systems that can autonomously create texts and multimedia content in response to specific inputs. Generative AI has the potential to transform our lives, from art and software engineering to work processes, job profiles, medicine, education and science. At the same time, generative AI presents us with a variety of challenges, for example with regard to the quality or truthfulness of the products created.
When generative AI is used as an assistance system, humans and technology have three potential points of contact: They can produce something together and create images and texts, for example. They can interact with AI and create value through the interaction itself, e.g. in therapy or teaching. When people consume or use products created by AI, the focus is on reception. In all cases, we see the concept of trust as essential for the success of these endeavours.
Presentation of the AI IN JOURNALISM-project accepted for the ICA in June
Kravets-Meinke, D. & Schmid-Petri, H. (accepted). Artificial intelligence as a trustworthy journalist? Effects of AI-generated headlines on news selection. Accepted as presentation for the 75th Annual International Communication Association Conference, 12-16 June 2025, Denver, Colorado.
Latest news

Prof. Dr. Hannah Schmid-Petri
Member of bidt's Board of Directors | Chair of Science Communication, University of Passau

Internal Research Projects
Human-AI co-creation of code with different prior knowledge

The interdisciplinary project “Human-AI co-creation of code with different prior knowledge: Effects on performance and trust” explores the co-creation process of humans and AI in the context of creating programme code. The focus is on the design of trustworthy interfaces for the use of co-generators in programming training and professional software development.
Project team

Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid
Member of bidt's Board of Directors and the Executive Commitee | Member of the Bavarian AI Council | Head of Cognitive Systems Group, University of Bamberg

AI in Journalism: The Impact of Generative AI on Objectivity and Dialogic Openness in Climate Debates

The project “AI in Journalism: The Impact of Generative AI on Objectivity and Dialogic Openness in Climate Debates” is investigating the extent to which AI in the field of climate protection can help to increase the willingness to accept messages and promote factual debate with counter-arguments.
project team

Prof. Dr. Hannah Schmid-Petri
Member of bidt's Board of Directors | Chair of Science Communication, University of Passau

Legal uncertainty through generative AI? Reform considerations for the promotion of system trust at universities

In addition to the legal analysis of higher education and examination law, the project “Legal uncertainty through generative AI? Reform considerations for the promotion of system trust at universities” also addresses the question of how universities could or should react and adapt in practice.
project team

Prof. Dr. Dirk Heckmann
Member of bidt's Board of Directors | Chair of Law and Security in Digital Transformation, Technical University of Munich

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