Dr. Maria Staudte

Research Coordinator, bidt

Dr. Maria Staudte is a Research Coordinator at the bidt with overall responsibility for the doctoral programme. Prior to this, she was head of a junior research group in the Saarland University’s Cluster of Excellence, where she conducted research into speech processing in human-human and human-machine interaction. Finally, she worked as a Principal Investigator and member of the board of directors in a Collaborative Research Centre, covering various topics including data protection and empirical data collection. Through these activities, Dr. Staudte brings to the bidt extensive experience in teaching, research, management and, in particular, the supervision and counselling of doctoral students from various research areas.


Selected Publications:

  • Christine Ankener, Mirjana Sekicki and Maria Staudte: “The influence of visual uncertainty on word predictability and processing effort”. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018.
  • Laura Fraedrich, Fabrizio Nunnari, Maria Staudte and Alexis Heloir: “(Simulated) listener gaze in real-time spoken interaction”. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (Special Issue CASA’18), 29(3-4):e1831-e1841, 2018.
  • Nikolina Mitev, Patrick Renner, Thies Pfeiffer and Maria Staudte: “Towards efficient human-machine collaboration in real world: Effects of gaze-driven feedback and engagement on performance”. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 3(1):1-51, 2018. [https://cognitiveresearchjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41235-018-0148-x]


Further Publications: http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~masta/pubs.html