Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid
Member of bidt's Board of Directors and the Executive Commitee | Member of the Bavarian AI Council | Head of Cognitive Systems Group, University of Bamberg
Ute Schmid is a member of bidt’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee. She is a Professor of Cognitive Systems at the University of Bamberg. She has been teaching and researching artificial intelligence for many years, focusing on human-like machine learning and methods for interactive and explanatory learning. She is the initiator and head of FELI – Research group for elementary and primary computer science. She has been committed to teaching basic informatics concepts in primary schools for over ten years. In 2020, she was awarded the Rainer-Markgraf-Preis for her commitment to knowledge transfer in computer science, especially AI, for children, teachers, and the general public. Ute Schmid is a member of the Bavarian AI Council.