We support research projects in the field of generative artificial intelligence.
With its research, the bidt contributes to a better understanding of digital change.
The new research focus “Humans and Generative AI: Trust in Co-Creation” brings together projects that deal with this topic from various disciplinary perspectives.
A typical project runs for four years and involves one applicant and one research assistant. The bidt provides project funding for personnel, material, and infrastructure costs.
The project participants work at the location of their institution, but exchange information about their research activities and their results with the other projects in the research focus at regular intervals at the bidt.
Details and application
Application deadline:
7 May 2024
Please also consider our funding programme Interdisciplinary consortium projects
Research focus
Research projects in this research focus area should position themselves along the following three dimensions
- Process of co-creation (producing; interacting; receiving)
- Basic areas (conditions for trust; goodness/quality; competences/literacy; changing roles, identities, tasks; technical, ethical and normative framework)
- Specific field of application related to one of the three bidt research areas (Government, Regulation and Infrastructure; Communication, Society and Participation; Economy and Labour)
With this call for proposals, the bidt would like to support research projects in the field of generative artificial intelligence and invites the submission of corresponding project proposals.
Scientists who can provide evidence of a completed doctorate are eligible to apply.
The applicant and the employee funded by the project must provide evidence of a concrete connection to a scientific institution based in Bavaria.
Detailed information can be found in the call for applications.
The costs for a research assistant will be funded. In addition, material resources (e.g. for travel, events, and research assistants) as well as a lump sum for the use of the infrastructure at the applicant’s institution can be taken into account.
Personnel costs
- The maximum eligible employment level of academic staff per applicant is 100 per cent of a full-time equivalent for doctoral candidates and 75 per cent for non-doctoral candidates.
Material resources and infrastructure allowance
- In the project application, a maximum amount of EUR 10,000 per applicant per year can be allocated for material resources and a maximum amount of 20 per cent of the personnel costs for infrastructure.
- Payments are only made for costs actually incurred during the project period; the infrastructure allowance is paid in the amount of 20 per cent of the actual personnel costs.
Detailed information can be found in the call for proposals.
The selection procedure is a two-stage process.
In the first stage, a project outline and the applicant’s CV must be submitted. The bidt board of directors will then decide which applicants will be admitted to the second stage and can submit a full proposal.
First stage: Project outline
The project outline for a project should comprise four pages – in German or English – and cover the following aspects:
- Topic
- Applicant including institution
- Context and problem, including reference to the dimensions outlined in the call for proposals
- Solution ideas, approach and expected output
- Expected scientific and social contribution
- Involvement of the public and stakeholder groups to promote dialogue between research and society
- Staffing (period, proportion of full-time equivalent, predoc/postdoc role and salary group/level of the position)
In addition, the applicant’s CV must be submitted (one page per person).
Detailed information can be found in the call for applications.
7 May 2024, 15:00 CEST: Deadline for application form, project outlines and CV (first stage)
14 June 2024: Notification of admission to the second stage
9 September 2024, 15:00 CEST: Deadline for full applications (second stage)
Mid-November 2024: Notification of approval
First quarter of 2025: Project start
Contact person
If you have any questions about the funding format, please call us or send us an e-mail to forschung@bidt.digital