We promote interdisciplinary research projects in the field of digitalisation.
With its research, the bidt contributes to a better understanding of digital transformation. The developments and challenges of digital transformation affect various scientific disciplines and can only be meaningfully addressed through interdisciplinary cooperation. As a consequence, we follow a consistently interdisciplinary approach.
Consortium projects are usually conducted by three academic partners from Bavaria over three years. For this purpose, we provide funding for personnel costs, material resources and infrastructure costs upon application.
The project staff members work at the location of their institution, but regularly inform about their research activities at the bidt. We are committed to agile principles, which means that the results are presented and discussed in sprint reviews.
The bidt invites submissions for interdisciplinary consortium projects in the following research areas:
- Government, Regulation and Infrastructure
- Communication, Society and Participation
- Economy and Labour
We explicitly encourage proposals with project ideas for which exceptionally high scientific returns can be expected, even if this involves a high risk (high risk — high gain).
Researchers who have completed a doctorate are eligible to apply.
- They must cover different scientific disciplines, as typically used to delineate faculties.
- One of the applicants must have a direct connection to technology, i.e. a background in computer science, business informatics, electrical engineering or comparable disciplines.
- Applicants and their staff members funded through the project must have a verifiable affiliation with an academic institution located in Bavaria.
- Particularly experienced scientists should assume consortium leadership.
For detailed information, please refer to the call for applications.
Funding is provided for the costs of the scientific personnel of the applicants. In addition, material costs (e.g. for travel, events, and research assistants) and a lump sum for the infrastructure at the applicant’s institution may be included.
Personnel costs
- The employment of academic staff per consortium partner eligible for funding is limited to a maximum of 100 per cent of a full-time equivalent for doctoral graduates, and 75 per cent of a full-time equivalent for non-doctoral graduates.
Material costs and infrastructure allowance
- In the project application, a maximum amount of EUR 10,000 per applicant per year can be allocated for material resources and a maximum amount of 20 percent of the personnel costs for infrastructure.
- Payments are only made for costs actually incurred during the project period; the infrastructure allowance is paid at 20 per cent of the actual personnel costs.
External experts
- An international expert may also be involved in the project.
- A fixed sum of up to 15,000 euros per year can be allocated for their commitment and expenses.
For detailed information, please refer to the call for applications.
The selection procedure is a two-stage process.
In the first stage, a project outline and the CVs of all applicants must be submitted. The bidt Board of Directors then decides which applicants will be admitted to the second stage and can submit a full proposal.
First stage: project outline
The project outline for a consortium project should consist of five pages – in German or English – and cover the following aspects:
- Topic
- Applicants, incl. their institutions
- Context and problem, incl. reference to the research areas outlined in the call for applications
- Ideas and approaches for solutions, expected output
- Expected scientific and societal contributions
- Involvement of the general public and stakeholder groups to promote the exchange between research and society
- Role of the applicants and added value in the interdisciplinary network
- If applicable, professional credentials of the international expert
- Staffing for all consortium partners, incl. period, number and seniority (official designation) of positions (time period, quantity, proportion of full-time equivalent posts, predoc/postdoc role and salary group/level of the project posts)
- In addition, the CVs of all applicants must be submitted (one page per person).
For detailed information, please refer to the call for applications.
6. May 2025, 24:00 CEST: Deadline for application form, project outlines and CVs (first stage)
13. June 2025: Notification of admission to the second stage
8. September 2025, 24:00 CEST: Deadline for full applications (second stage)
Mid-November 2025: Notification of approval
first quarter of 2026: Project start
If you have any questions about the funding format, please call us or send us an e-mail to forschung@bidt.digital