A recent study by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities shows how generative artificial intelligence is used and perceived, particularly in a professional context. On behalf of the bidt think tank, the market research institute DCORE surveyed a total of 3,020 internet users aged 16 and over in Germany in July and August 2023, including 1,008 full-time employees. The participants answered questions about their use, assessment and the potential risks of generative AI.
Rapid spread in German workplaces
81 percent of internet users in Germany have already heard of generative AI – according to one result of the study. Around a third (36 percent) have already used generative AI to create texts, programme codes, images or videos. In a professional context, text-based generative AI has so far been used by around a quarter (27 percent) of employees. This means that the technology has spread relatively quickly among the population and in German workplaces since the publication of ChatGPT in November 2022.
Predominantly satisfied in everyday working life
The majority of those who use AI professionally were satisfied with the application of text-based generative AI: 60 percent stated that they were able to use the generated results in a meaningful way at work, while 64 percent perceived time savings. A similar number of people (63 percent) even said that generative AI helped them to perceive their work results more positively without having to do more work. Despite the high level of satisfaction, the majority check the results: 67 percent of employees who have already used text-based generative AI professionally checked the results for correctness.
Awareness of the risks of generative AI
The majority of employees are also aware that the use of generative AI is associated with risks. 57 percent state that they are aware that generative AI can produce incorrect results. The figure is even higher for people who use text-based generative AI in a professional environment (66 percent). Around 47 percent of internet-using employees also assume that at least some of their jobs will become redundant in the next ten years due to the increasing use of generative AI. “In some professions, tasks will change and in others, jobs will actually disappear,” says Antonia Schlude, researcher at the bidt think tank. “But at the same time, new professions and new jobs will be created.”
Dangers are also perceived in general: 47 percent of internet users are of the opinion that the increasing use of generative AI could lead to humanity losing control of the technology. At the same time, however, it is clear that respondents who use this technology more frequently are more likely to see the opportunities (42 percent) than the risks (9 percent).
Desire for more guidelines and regulation
The majority (52 percent) of respondents would like to see greater regulation of generative AI, while only 11 percent see no need for this. A clear majority (66 percent) of employees who have already heard of generative AI systems state that there are no guidelines for their use in their workplace; 46 percent, however, would like to see such guidelines.
Policy measures and lifelong learning as success factors
Roland A. Stürz, Head of Department at the think tank at bidt and head of the study, identifies key success factors for the future use of generative AI in the workplace:
In order to maintain people's employability in the future, companies in particular need to expand their training and development opportunities. At the same time, many people want clear guidelines for dealing with generative AI in the workplace. The impact of generative AI on the economy and society will ultimately depend crucially on how policymakers ensure that AI is human-centered, trustworthy and responsible.
Dr. Roland A. Stürz To the profile
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