| Indicators & figures monitoring | International digitalisation indices | bidt-Digitalbarometer.international: Digital competence

bidt-Digitalbarometer.international: Digital competence

Based on a self-assessment, the indicator shows how digital competences are distributed in the respective resident population aged 14 and over. The indicator provides information on which population groups are more prepared for the digital transformation and which population groups may still need to catch up.

Based on the European Reference Framework for Digital Competence (DigComp for short) of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, the digital competence was surveyed representatively in Germany and seven other European countries in the bidt-Digitalbarometer.international with the help of the self-assessment test DigCompSAT (Clifford et al. 2020). The test consists of a total of 82 individual statements on five competence areas.

The digital competences show differences both by socio-demographic characteristics and between states.

Digital comptences in comparison

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By competency areas

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Digital competency differences

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