| Indicators & figures monitoring | Economy | International trade in ICT services

International trade in ICT services

The indicator shows the share of services in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector in a country's imports and exports. The indicator thus provides information on the relevance of ICT services for the location. Compared with goods, services are becoming increasingly important in global trade, a trend that is being further reinforced by new technologies and digitalization. Trade in ICT services is seen as having great growth potential.

It can be seen that the export of ICT services worldwide has increased in recent years. Kuwait and Ukraine have the largest share of ICT service exports of all service exports in its own country at around 38 %, followed by India and Israel. Germany is not in a pioneering position here due to its relatively weakly positioned services sector. In European countries, Ireland, Finland and Cyprus recorded the most significant gains.

The largest share of ICT service imports in total domestic service imports outside European countries is in Uruguay with 20 %, followed by Indonesia and Brazil. Within the European countries, Cyprus has the largest share of ICT service imports in all service imports with around 24 %.

ICT service exports

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Import of ICT services

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