| Indicators & figures monitoring | Labour | Working from home usage

Working from home usage

The indicator shows how many employees are working from home on a regular or part-time basis. The indicator thus provides information on how flexible forms of work are spreading and how the world of work is changing as a result of digitalization.

Especially during the corona pandemic, the use of home office in Germany expanded considerably, as various studies presented in the Themenmonitor show.

Even after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2023, the proportion of people working from home remains high. Germany, at 23%, was slightly above the European average. However, significantly more people work from home in the Netherlands and Sweden by comparison. The study results for Germany show that even after the pandemic, with a declining trend, around half of the workforce continues to work from home at least occasionally. It remains to be seen what long-term effect the increased use of remote work during the pandemic will have on the working world in Germany.


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