Category: Interview
“Regulation of disinformation is tricky”
In this interview, Professor Lena Frischlich talks about dealing with disinformation and explains how to promote democratic resilience.
ChatGPT in schools and universities — a turning point for learning and teaching?
The quality of ChatGPT was surprising at the beginning. The first effects on the German education system quickly became apparent. What developments can be expected? An interview with Ute Schmid and Dirk Heckmann.
Exploring and shaping the digital transformation of companies through dialogue
How can the digital transformation of engineering companies succeed? And how can science and practice complement each other in dialogue? Voices from the bidt research project in an interview.
Five questions for Judith Wittwer
What do experts think about digitalisation? And how do they themselves deal with modern means of communication? We asked Judith Wittwer, editor-in-chief of the SZ and member of the bidt board of trustees, five questions.
“The law alone cannot explain how data protection actually works in different countries.”
In this interview, Professor Kai von Lewinski reveals exciting results from the “Vectors of Data Disclosure” project, a comparative study on the use of personal data.
IT security research: ethical issues and legal challenges
We spoke with Professor Felix Freiling about the biggest IT security gaps in Germany and possible solutions to the legal risks faced by IT security researchers.
“Looking at the processes is particularly important”
Dr. Stephan Jäger joined the bidt in August as the new Head of Organisation, Finance, Human Resources and IT. At the same time, he takes on the function of Deputy Managing Director. Before his move, he worked at the TUM School…
“There is a need for further education regarding the right to data portability”
After completing their project, Susanne Mayr, Jens Großklags, and Johann Kranz discuss their findings on data portability in this interview.
“With eXtended Reality, completely new therapeutic approaches are emerging in medicine”
In an interview, Professor Carolin Wienrich sheds light on the possible applications of eXtended Reality in administration, medicine and justice.
Digital Humanism: “We do not create human beings – machines are our tools”
Julian Nida-Rümelin and Klaus Staudacher explain in an interview what is behind the term digital humanism and why research can provide important impulses here around human-machine interaction.