| Topic Monitor | Distribution and Acceptance of Generative AI in Germany and in German Workplaces

Distribution and Acceptance of Generative AI in Germany and in German Workplaces

Generative AI is gaining importance in the workplace. The study examines the use, perception, and concerns about generative AI.

In 2023, bidt conducted a representative study on the spread and acceptance of generative AI in Germany and in German workplaces. To this end, 3,020 internet users aged 16 and over in Germany were surveyed. The focus was on the group of full-time employees, which is represented in the data set with 1,008 people.

The results show that most internet users (81%) are aware of generative AI and that around a third (36%) of online users have already used it.

Almost half of online users in Germany (46%) are convinced that the opportunities and risks of generative AI are balanced. 26% mainly see risks and 18% emphasise the opportunities, while 11% state that they do not know. Almost half (47%) of all respondents fear a loss of control over AI.

In a professional context, around a quarter of employees have already used generative AI to create and check texts or programme codes, with the majority (79%) communicating this openly in the workplace. The assessment of opportunities and risks varies in the corporate context. According to the employees surveyed, the majority of companies (66%) do not yet have clear guidelines for dealing with generative AI. The study also shows that the majority (52%) of respondents are in favour of stronger regulation of generative AI.

To summarise, the results of the study illustrate the increasing spread of generative AI in Germany. At the same time, the associated concerns show that it is necessary to develop targeted educational initiatives and clear guidelines for the responsible use of this technology. There is also a recognisable call for more comprehensive regulation in order to minimise potential risks and strengthen public confidence.