Digital Society
Digital transformation is changing us on a societal level. Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things or Big Data are synonyms for changes in how we communicate, work and organise ourselves –the transformation of how we live together as a society. We are striving to understand how we experience these changes in specific areas of our lives and to define what it takes for us, as a society, to embrace digitalisation successfully.
KEYNOTECommon good and digitalisation
Digitalisation, focusing on the common good, does not happen by accident. It is created by all of us in a shared effort, with the help of digital innovations that improve our daily lives. Valerie Mocker, the founder of Wingwoman, in her keynote speech at „For..Net Symposiums“, puts forward an appeal for participation.
Digitalisation in Germany – a topic that doesn’t get enough attention
This is the result of the bidt-SZ-Digitalbarometer: 32 per cent of the representative surveys’ participants state that the issue receives significantly too little attention. For a further 29 per cent, it was somewhat too little. A fascinating snapshot of the state of digital transformation in Germany.
The results of a recent bidt survey show how pronounced digital skills are in Germany and the comparison countries. The digital skills gap in Germany is particularly wide: in no other country are digital skills so dependent on gender and age. In particular, the digital skills of older people, women and those with lower incomes in Germany are in some cases significantly behind the comparison groups in other countries.
GlossaryDigital participation
Information and communication technologies are used in the field of digital participation. This involves the concept of creating structures in which a wide range of social groups can participate in social and political life. Participation can take place by invitation, for example through government initiatives, but it can also happen uninvited through individual initiative. Social networks are a key technology for the latter in particular.

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Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid
Member of bidt's Board of Directors and the Executive Commitee | Member of the Bavarian AI Council | Head of Cognitive Systems Group, University of Bamberg