| Topic Monitor | High Expectations of AI

High Expectations of AI

A large majority of the population sees AI primarily as an opportunity – both for the German economy and for themselves personally.

A survey of 1,007 people conducted by the digital association Bitkom analysed the mood of the German population towards Artificial Intelligence (AI). It shows that a large majority of 73% see AI exclusively or rather as an opportunity. Only 24% see AI as more of or exclusively a threat.

Expectations of AI are correspondingly high. For example, 79% are convinced that AI will strengthen the competitiveness of the German economy. 66% of respondents would like to see AI used in areas that bring direct benefits for them, such as medicine or transport. A good 51% of respondents stated that they already regularly use AI-based products and services such as voice assistants in their everyday lives.

However, despite the great opportunities associated with AI, there are also concerns. For example, a third of respondents fear that AI will increasingly disempower people. A large majority of 88% would therefore like AI applications in Germany to be thoroughly tested and only allowed to be used after authorisation. A third of respondents even call for AI to be completely banned in certain areas of application.

Irrespective of this, a majority of the population believes that AI will change our society permanently in the coming years. 28% are of the opinion that the changes are already noticeable. 30% expect noticeable changes within the next five years and a further 13% in the next ten years.