Publication series: Analyses & Studies
Spread of working from home and organisation of everyday working life at the end of 2024
The tenth survey wave on the prevalence and acceptance of working from home (7–10 October 2024) examines, among other aspects, self-perceived work productivity while working from home as well as opportunities for more flexible…
Prevalence of generative AI in private and professional life 2024
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is used by the population in both private and professional contexts. Compared to last year, usage has remained more or less constant. Only a minority are aware of existing regulatory…
Insults on social media: How affected are users on social media and how do they defend themselves?
Insults on social media are not a new phenomenon. According to a recent bidt study, users experience insults more frequently offline than online. Almost half never report online attacks. These are the reasons.
Prevalence and acceptance of generative AI at schools and universities
The study examines the use, perception, and concerns regarding generative artificial intelligence among pupils at school and university students.
Prevalence and acceptance of working from home at the end of 2023
The ninth survey on the topic of home office (September 12–22, 2023) examines, among other things, corporate identification and the significance of working from home for employee recruitment.
Prevalence and acceptance of generative AI in Germany and in German workplaces
Generative artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the working environment. The study examines the use, perception and concerns about generative artificial intelligence.
The German population lags behind in digital skills compared to other European countries, according to the new “”.
Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in October 2022
The eighth home office survey (14-28 October 2022) examines the prevalence and acceptance of home office in Germany against the backdrop of the current energy crisis.
Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in March & June 2022
The sixth (03.-20.03.2022) and seventh (22.-29.06.2022) surveys examine the practice and acceptance of home office in Germany against the background of the expired home office obligation in March 2022.
Technoregulation in China: Bavarian Companies in the Social Credit System
The study is part of the bidt-funded consortium project “Learning from the ‘pioneer’? A multidisciplinary analysis of the Chinese social credit system and its impact on Germany”. The findings and recommendations…