Hannes Putfarken
Topic Manager, Innovationsnetzwerk Niedersachsen
former Researcher Think Tank, bidt
Prevalence and acceptance of home office in Germany
The bidt conducted several short surveys providing insights into the prevalence and practice of home office in Germany (in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic).
The bidt-Digitalbarometer
As a representative population survey, the bidt-SZ-Digitalbarometer provides data on digital transformation in Germany.
Digitalisation at universities due to the coronavirus (DiHS.c)
The collaborative research project between IHF and bidt investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the digital transformation of universities.
Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in March & June 2022
The sixth (03.-20.03.2022) and seventh (22.-29.06.2022) surveys examine the practice and acceptance of home office in Germany against the background of the expired home office obligation in March 2022.
The digital transformation is rapidly changing all areas of our lives. Time to take stock: In a joint study, bidt and the SZ Institute of the Süddeutsche Zeitung surveyed more than 9,000 people in Germany on digital skills,…
Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in September/October 2021
The fifth survey (20.09.-10.10.2021) examines the use and acceptance of home office in Germany against the background of the political upheaval and the coalition negotiations between the SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and FDP.
The pandemic as a driver of the digital transformation of universities?
The outbreak of the corona pandemic also upended the organisation of research and teaching at German universities: Academic life was almost completely shifted into the digital space. The study explores the question of whether…
Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in May 2021
The fourth survey (06-28 May 2021) examines the impact of the revision of the Infection Protection Act, which came into force on 23 April 2021.
Increased Digitalisation as a Result of the Coronavirus? Home office in February 2021
The third survey (04-08 February 2021) examines the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, which came into force on 27 January 2021.
Working from Home: New Normal for Employees?
What seemed unthinkable a few years ago is now being discussed as the new normal: Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, many employees are increasingly working from home – and it is already becoming apparent that…
More digital than expected? The 65+ demographic on the Internet
Older people are on the internet almost as often as other age groups, but the type of internet use differs in detail. In addition, the 65+ age group estimates their digital skills to be significantly lower.