Category: In the media

AI Artificial Intelligence and Education technology concept. A man use laptops, Learn lessons and online webinars successfully in modern digital learning, Courses to develop new skills. E-learning.

Ute Schmid in “Forschung & Lehre” on AI in education

In “Forschung & Lehre”, Ute Schmid talks about the potential applications and challenges of using AI in teaching.

“bidt Perspektiven” on the topic of disinformation at Bayerischer Rundfunk

Prof Dr Frischlich and Prof Dr Pretschner spoke to BR about disinformation and how to deal with it.

Softwareentwickler werden nicht durch KI ersetzt

FAZ guest article on the role of AI in software development

In an FAZ guest article, Alexander Pretschner explains why AI will not replace software engineers.

For..Net lecture at Deutschlandfunk Nova

The bidt on Deutschlandfunk Nova: The For..Net lecture “Artificial intelligence and examination law” has been released as a podcast. In it Sarah Rachut and Dirk Heckmann explain why the use of AI in exams should be permitted.

Akademie Aktuell Issue 1/2024

bidt members in the Akademie Aktuell

Three bidt employees in the new issue of Akademie Aktuell: How better IT teaching can increase digital literacy, the state of digitalization across Europe and Steliyana Doseva’s favourite piece.

bidt im Podcast Systemfragen des Deutschlandfunks

bidt as a guest on Deutschlandfunk’s “Systemfragen” podcast

As part of the Deutschlandfunk podcast “Systemfragen”, Dr Roland A. Stürz provided answers to the question “Why are Germans so attached to cash”, as well as further findings from the international comparison…

bidt as guest at SZ: Presentation of new study on generative AI

As part of the presentation of the “SZ Langstrecke” Dr. Roland A. Stürz presented current study results on the prevalence of generative AI in Germany.

Andreas Wenninger as a guest on the “Datenaffaire” podcast

Annika B. Bergbauer and Andreas Wenninger discuss efficient methods for achieving high-quality and speedy research results in the podcast “Datenaffaire”.

ChatGPT and the influence on moral judgement

In a study, Sebastian Krügel, Andreas Ostermaier and Matthias Uhl investigate how advice from ChatGPT influences the moral judgement of users.

FAZ guest article about ChatGPT in exam situations

In their guest article in the FAZ, Alexander Pretschner, Jan Gogoll and Dirk Heckmann explore the question of what influence ChatGPT will have on examinations in educational institutions.