Dr. Gerald Joy Sequeira

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

AI-supported safety systems for automated driving 


The thematic focus of my postdoctoral work (AI-Safe) is on research into artificial intelligence methods and their use in predictive safety systems for future (partially) automated vehicles. Specifically, the focus is on the adaptivity of the systems during accidents in relation to the accident scenario (e.g. crash configuration, automated vehicle dynamics interventions) and the vehicle occupants (e.g. physiology, posture, seating position). By integrating advanced sensor technology into vehicles and applying AI algorithms for data fusion, analysis and prediction, digital technologies are being used to improve vehicle safety. The main scientific challenge here is the traceability of AI-based decision-making and the high safety requirements, especially with regard to the false deployment of airbags. As part of the research project, I am therefore also planning to generate extensive data through driving tests and simulations. By integrating AI algorithms, this data can be analysed and interpreted in order to identify potentially dangerous situations at an early stage and take appropriate safety measures. I am also planning to set up an international research group in this field of research, which will be integrated into the existing research structure of the C-ISAFE Institute at the CARISSMA research and testing centre. The aim here is to promote young talent and acquire highly qualified doctoral candidates, particularly from the automotive markets of the USA, Brazil and India.