Disruption in Creativity
Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg, Nuremberg Institute of Technology
The differentiated use of digital technologies and reflection on the methods used are developing into key competencies. However, the acquisition of these competencies in the context of university teaching must not take place in isolation in the individual disciplines, but requires teaching/learning arrangements across faculties and universities in order to think about and implement issues and solutions in an interdisciplinary manner. Only in this way will graduates be able to act competently and in a future-oriented manner in increasingly diverse professional fields.
The cultural and creative industries in particular are currently undergoing a disruptive process of change. As an important and necessary tool for shaping this transformation, students who become successful in this professional field need increasingly advanced digital skills. Through the digitalization college “Disruption in Creativity”, an experimental space for the development of innovative forms or the use of digital technologies is created for all disciplines involved, thereby sharpening and strengthening the respective subject identity and their own professional understanding, as well as preparing them for a rapidly changing professional field in the cultural and creative industries through digitalization.
In addition to specialist expertise and the teaching of methods and tools, this requires students to have skills in collaborative brainstorming, project development and communication in other specialist contexts. The acquisition and development of further key competencies (interdisciplinary methods, professional competence, social-communicative competence, self-competence) are therefore further essential content-related components of the college.
The competence to act is strengthened by a central practical phase with interdisciplinary seminaristic project work. This core element of the college is designed to promote students’ personal responsibility and self-direction and to enable them to recognize interrelationships and interfaces and to discuss the issue in relation to its interaction with society.