
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (OTH – Technical University of Applied Sciences), Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

The objectives of the joint Digitization College of OTH Amberg-Weiden and Ansbach University of Applied Sciences are (1) to establish a permanent cross-university interdisciplinary collaboration of students in Master’s programs and Bachelor’s programs in the final semesters of study, who (2) in project work annually survey the current central topics and issues of digitization in companies, society and research in a scientifically sound and practice-oriented manner, (3) to develop high-quality self-learning units on a selection of these topics on a semester-by-semester basis with professional and didactic mentoring, coaching and scaffolding, which (4) on the one hand will be made available free of charge to all Bavarian students via OTH Professional as modules of a certificate course “Future Skills” and (5) on the other hand will be combined into an elective module “Digital Media and Future Skills” that can be fed into all degree programs of both joint universities.