Cyber Crafting Kolleg

Regensburg University of Applied Sciences

The Cyber Crafting Kolleg (CCK) aims to make the region around the OTH Regensburg a leader in the field of digitalization of small-scale, human-centered industrial processes with a strongly craft-based local culture. Dealing with micro-innovations requires a new skillset, which is currently not yet implemented in an adequate form and implementation and conveyed to future knowledge carriers (students) in a targeted manner. The application area “building culture” (climate-friendly construction) serves as a use case, since the building industry in particular could benefit from sustainable digitization concepts via microinnovations due to its small-scale, manual and craft-based work culture. This application area is particularly affected by the impending generation change and the shortage of skilled workers.

Cyber crafting describes a systematic approach to implementing a human-centric digital transformation in areas such as crafts and construction. Microinnovations (decentralized, small-scale bottom-up innovations) are an important tool in the implementation in a Cyber Crafting reallab, an environment where the boundaries between commercial application, development, experimentation, testing and learning are purposefully broken down.

Over the funding period, the CCK will produce four new “learning modules” at the Regensburg School of Digital Sciences for the application area of building culture in order to specifically build new digital competencies in the innovation process. The new learning modules aim at a highly personalized, project-based form of learning. Students in the CCK internalize the innovation rungs necessary for the application area.