Disziplin: Sociology

The role of organizational identity in the digital transformation of companies

Digital innovations are central to the success of companies today. They change processes, enable new business models and question corporate identity: who are we and who do we want to be?

Digital communities

Digital communities are based on algorithmically mediated social relationships in digital space. They enable flexible participation and intensive interaction and thus represent a new dimension of communitization.

The importance of data trustees for data portability and data sovereignty

Data trustees can combine the potential of data use with data protection and informational self-determination. The conditions under which data trustees can act as mediators and protectors of fundamental rights deserve consideration.

Digitalisation in the field of palliative care to support multi-professional collaboration

Knowledge-based digital innovations in the field of palliative care and comparable working environments can strengthen multi-professional communication and collaboration and thus continuous patient care.

Automated journalism – the economic impact of algorithmic journalism

Automatisierter Journalismus bezeichnet das Verfassen von Beiträgen durch Algorithmen. Gleichwohl dieses Verfahren schnell und kostengünstig ist, wird es am Markt nur partiell eingesetzt. Hintergrund ist, dass Algorithmen…