Disziplin: Business informatics

Data protection risks in the metaverse – new challenges for privacy

The promise of the metaverse is great, but its emergence also raises new questions about data protection that need to be answered. The article provides a comprehensive insight into the current developments of the metaverse…

Crowd sourcing – how online platforms are reorganising work

In the age of digital progress, companies are increasingly using crowdsourcing, crowdworking and crowdfunding to drive innovation and solve complex problems. The article provides a detailed insight into these concepts and shows…

Self-Sovereign Identities

Self-sovereign identity describes a paradigm for designing data-sovereign, digital identity management systems with the aid of cryptographic building blocks.

Algorithm Aversion

People often have an irrationally negative view of the work of algorithmic systems, which is described as algorithm aversion. In order to effectively utilize the great potential of these systems, it is important to understand…

Digital surveillance in the workplace

As digital technologies continue to penetrate the economy and society, we are experiencing an unprecedented collection, storage and processing of data.

The effect of digital nudges on the willingness to donate data

How can nudging increase the willingness to donate data? The article sheds light on current research, ethical nudge design and the potential of data donation for scientific progress and social innovation.

The potential of blockchain technology for the public sector

Blockchain technology has gained in importance in recent years by offering innovative solutions to certain digitalization challenges. With the targeted digitalization in the public sector, blockchain could therefore also develop…